PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
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520 lines
* The source code included in this file is licensed to you by Facebook under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0. Accordingly, the following notice
* applies to the source code included in this file:
* Copyright © 2009 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var fbSvc = Cc['@facebook.com/facebook-service;1'].getService(Ci.fbIFacebookService);
function debug() {
if (debug.caller && debug.caller.name) {
dump(debug.caller.name + ': ');
logConsole(debug.caller.name + ': ');
} else {
dump(' ');
//logConsole(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) dump(', ');
var SIDEBAR_AVAILABLE = !!window.toggleSidebar;
/* Log message to error console if enableLogging preference is true */
function logConsole (logMessage) {
var prefSvc = Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
var debug = prefSvc.getBoolPref('extensions.facebook.debug');
if (debug) {
var now = new Date();
//var logString = "Facebook Toolbar : " + " [" + now + "] " + " \"" + logMessage + "\"";
var logString = "Facebook Toolbar : " + logMessage;
// send a message to the console
var consoleService = Cc['@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1'].
// wrapper for document.getElementById(id).setAttribute(attrib, val) that
// doesn't die if the elem doesn't exist. useful for us since customize
// toolbar lets you remove a lot of elements.
function setAttributeById(id, attrib, val) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
el.setAttribute(attrib, val);
return true;
return false;
function getAttributeById(id, attrib) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
return el.getAttribute(attrib);
return false;
function SetFacebookStatus(status) {
if (fbSvc.canSetStatus) {
} else {
var authorizeUrl = "http://www.facebook.com/authorize.php?api_key="+fbSvc.apiKey
return false;
function OpenFBUrl(page, uid, e, params) {
var url = 'http://www.facebook.com/' + page + '?id=' + uid + '&src=fftb';
if( params ) {
for ( var param in params ) {
url += '&' + param + '=';
if( null != params[params] ) url += params[param];
debug('Opening ' + url);
openUILink(url, e);
return false;
function IsSidebarOpen() {
(top.document.getElementById('viewFacebookSidebar').getAttribute('checked') == 'true');
function GetFriendsListElement() {
var list = IsSidebarOpen()
? top.document.getElementById('sidebar').contentDocument.getElementById('SidebarFriendsList')
: null;
return list || top.document.getElementById('PopupFacebookFriendsList');
function GetFBSearchBox() {
var box = top.document.getElementById('facebook-search');
if (!box && SIDEBAR_AVAILABLE) {
box = top.document.getElementById('sidebar').contentDocument.getElementById('facebook-search-sidebar');
return box;
function SelectItemInList(item, list) {
if (!facebook) {
// this must have been called via the sidebar
list.selectedItem = item;
} else {
// for some reason, calling hidePopup followed by showPopup
// results in the popup being hidden!
// so we need to disable the hidePopup call temporarily while the
// focus shifts around
facebook.ignoreBlur = true;
list.selectedItem = item;
facebook.ignoreBlur = false;
function SetSpecificHint(doc, visible, text, oncommand) {
var hint = doc.getElementById('FacebookHint');
if (hint) {
if (visible) {
hint.setAttribute('oncommand', oncommand);
doc.getElementById('FacebookHintText').setAttribute('value', text);
hint.style.display = '';
} else {
hint.style.display = 'none';
function SetHint(visible, text, oncommand) {
if (IsSidebarOpen()) {
var doc = top.document.getElementById('sidebar').contentDocument;
SetSpecificHint(doc, visible, text, oncommand);
SetSpecificHint(document, visible, text, oncommand);
function SearchFriends(search) {
debug('searching for: ' + search);
var sidebar = IsSidebarOpen();
var list = GetFriendsListElement();
if (list.firstChild.id == 'FacebookHint') return; // not logged in
var numMatched = 0;
var lastDisplayed = null;
var searches = [];
if (search) {
for each (var s in search.split(/\s+/)) {
if (s) {
searches.push(new RegExp('\\b' + s, 'i'));
for (var i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = list.childNodes[i];
var sname = node.getAttribute('friendname');
if (!sname) continue;
if (!search || searches.every(function(s) { return s.test(sname); })) {
if (sidebar || (numMatched < 4 && search)) {
node.style.display = '';
lastDisplayed = node;
} else {
node.style.display = 'none';
} else {
node.style.display = 'none';
debug('matched', numMatched);
if (search && numMatched == 0) {
SetHint(true, 'Press enter to search for "' + search + '" on Facebook',
"openUILink('http://www.facebook.com/search/?src=fftb&q=' + encodeURIComponent(GetFBSearchBox().value), event);");
} else if (!sidebar && (numMatched > 4 || !search)) {
var str = 'See all ' + numMatched + ' friends';
if (search)
str += ' matching "' + search + '"';
str += '...';
SetHint(true, str, "toggleSidebar('viewFacebookSidebar');");
} else {
SetHint(false, '', '');
if (!sidebar) {
var msger = document.getElementById('PopupMessager'),
poker = document.getElementById('PopupPoker'),
poster = document.getElementById('PopupPoster');
if (1 == numMatched) {
var uid = lastDisplayed.getAttribute('userid'),
firstname = lastDisplayed.getAttribute('firstname');
msger.setAttribute('userid', uid );
msger.setAttribute('value', 'Send ' + firstname + ' a message');
poker.setAttribute('userid', uid );
poker.setAttribute('value', 'Poke ' + firstname );
poster.setAttribute('userid', uid);
poster.setAttribute('value', 'Write on ' + firstname + "'s wall");
msger.style.display = poker.style.display = poster.style.display = '';
} else {
msger.style.display = poker.style.display = poster.style.display = 'none';
var item = list.selectedItem;
if (item) {
if (item.style.display == 'none') {
list.selectedIndex = -1;
} else {
function HandleKeyPress(e) {
var list = GetFriendsListElement();
switch (e.keyCode) {
case e.DOM_VK_UP:
case e.DOM_VK_DOWN:
case e.DOM_VK_RETURN: // fall-through
case e.DOM_VK_ENTER:
var item = list.selectedItem;
if (item && item.style.display != 'none') {
} else {
openUILink('http://www.facebook.com/search/?src=fftb&q=' +
encodeURIComponent(GetFBSearchBox().value), e);
// fall-through to hide the pop-up...
// for some reason calling blur() doesn't work here...lets just
// focus the browser instead
function MoveInList(dir) {
var list = GetFriendsListElement();
var item = list.selectedItem;
if (!item || item.style.display == 'none') {
// nothing selected yet, start at the top...
if (dir == 'previousSibling') {
item = list.lastChild;
} else {
item = list.firstChild;
} else {
// start by moving up/down one
item = item[dir];
while (item && item.style.display == 'none') {
item = item[dir];
if (item) {
SelectItemInList(item, list);
function FacebookLogin() {
if (fbSvc.loggedIn) {
dump('logging out\n');
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('post', 'http://www.facebook.com/logout.php');
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
} else {
// popup login page height is at most 500, but add 20 pixels for the
// button we show at the bottom of the page
window.open('chrome://facebook/content/login.xul', '',
function RenderStatusMsg(msg) {
msg = msg.replace(/\s*$/g, '');
if (msg && '.?!\'"'.indexOf(msg[msg.length-1]) == -1) {
msg = msg.concat('.');
return msg;
function SetProfileTime(item, time){
function SetStatus(item, status, time) {
if (status) {
var firstName = item.getAttribute('firstname');
var msg = firstName + ' ' + RenderStatusMsg(status);
if (item.firstChild) {
item.firstChild.nodeValue = msg;
} else {
item.setAttribute('stime', getStatusTime(time));
} else {
if (item.firstChild) {
function DatesInSeconds() {
this.minute = 60;
this.two_mins= 120;
this.hour = 60*this.minute;
this.hour_and_half = 90*this.minute;
this.day = 24*this.hour;
this.week = 7*this.day;
this.month = 30.5*this.day;
this.year = 365*this.day;
var dates_in_seconds = new DatesInSeconds();
* Render a short version of the date depending on how close it is to today's date
* @param time - time in seconds from epoch
* XXX - If this comes back to life, make sure it is locale friendly
function getRelativeTime(time) {
var elapsed = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) - time;
if (elapsed <= 1)
return 'a moment ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.minute)
return elapsed.toString() + ' seconds ago';
if (elapsed < 2*dates_in_seconds.two_mins)
return 'one minute ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.hour)
return Math.floor(elapsed/dates_in_seconds.minute) + ' minutes ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.hour_and_half)
return 'about an hour ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.day )
return Math.round(elapsed/dates_in_seconds.hour) + ' hours ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.week) {
var days = new Array( "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" );
var d = new Date;
return 'on ' + days[d.getDay()];
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.week*1.5)
return 'about a week ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.week*3.5)
return 'about ' + Math.round(elapsed/dates_in_seconds.week) + ' weeks ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.month*1.5)
return 'about a month ago';
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.year)
return 'about ' + Math.round(elapsed/dates_in_seconds.month) + ' months ago';
return 'over a year ago';
function getRelTime(time, isProfile) {
var sbundle = GetFBStringBundle();
var elapsed = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) - time;
if( elapsed < dates_in_seconds.week )
return getRelTimeWithinWeek(time, false, isProfile);
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.week*1.5)
return sbundle.getString('aboutaweekago');
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.week*3.5) {
var weeksElapsed = Math.round(elapsed/dates_in_seconds.week);
if (weeksElapsed == 2)
return sbundle.getString('abouttwoweeksago');
return sbundle.getFormattedString('aboutweeksago', [weeksElapsed]);
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.month*1.5)
return sbundle.getString('aboutamonthago');
return ''; //XX Brian - Why are we returning here?
if (elapsed < dates_in_seconds.year) {
var monthsElapsed = Math.round(elapsed/dates_in_seconds.month);
if (monthsElapsed == 2)
return sbundle.getString('abouttwomonthsago');
return sbundle.getFormattedString('aboutmonthsago', [monthsElapsed]);
return sbundle.getString('overayear');
function getProfileTime(profile_time) {
var relative_time = getRelTime(profile_time, true);
var sbundle = GetFBStringBundle();
var updatedProfileTime = sbundle.getFormattedString('updatedProfileTime', [relative_time]);
return relative_time ? updatedProfileTime : '';
function getRelTimeWithinWeek(time, initialCap, isProfile) {
var currentTime = new Date;
var updateTime = new Date;
var sbundle = GetFBStringBundle();
var mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat, sun;
if (isProfile) {
mon = sbundle.getString('mondayInSentence');
tues = sbundle.getString('tuesdayInSentence');
wed = sbundle.getString('wednesdayInSentence');
thurs = sbundle.getString('thursdayInSentence');
fri = sbundle.getString('fridayInSentence');
sat = sbundle.getString('saturdayInSentence');
sun = sbundle.getString('sundayInSentence');
else {
mon = sbundle.getString('monday');
tues = sbundle.getString('tuesday');
wed = sbundle.getString('wednesday');
thurs = sbundle.getString('thursday');
fri = sbundle.getString('friday');
sat = sbundle.getString('saturday');
sun = sbundle.getString('sunday');
var yesterday = sbundle.getString('yesterday');
var yesterdayic = sbundle.getString('yesterdayic');
var today = sbundle.getString('today');
var todayic = sbundle.getString('todayic');
var days = new Array(sun, mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat);
var day;
var recently = true;
// assumption that status messages are only shown if in the last 7 days
if (updateTime.getDate() == currentTime.getDate()) {
day = initialCap ? todayic : today;
} else if ((updateTime.getDay() + 1) % 7 == currentTime.getDay()) {
day = initialCap ? yesterdayic : yesterday;
} else {
day = days[updateTime.getDay()];
recently = false;
var hour = updateTime.getHours();
var minute = updateTime.getMinutes();
if (minute < 10) {
minute = '0' + minute;
var tstr;
if (recently)
tstr = sbundle.getFormattedString('timeStringRecent', [day, hour, minute]);
tstr = sbundle.getFormattedString('timeStringDay', [day, hour, minute]);
return tstr;
function getStatusTime(status_time) {
return getRelTimeWithinWeek(status_time, true, false);
* This is called on _every_ page loaded in Firefox
* and tests whether it's a Facebook URL. So it better be as
* efficient as possible
function IsFacebookLocation(location) {
if( location && location.schemeIs // use to detect nsIURI
&& ( location.schemeIs("http") || location.schemeIs("https") ) ) {
var len = location.host.length;
return (len>=12) && ("facebook.com" == location.host.substring(len-12));
return false;
// Toggles the toolbar
function facebook_toggleToolbar()
{ /* modelled on webdeveloper toolbar behavior */
var toolbar = document.getElementById("facebook-toolbar");
toolbar.collapsed = !toolbar.collapsed;
document.persist("facebook-toolbar", "collapsed");
function GetFBStringBundle() {
var sb = document.getElementById('facebook-strings');
debug( "getting bundle from sidebar..." );
sb = document.getElementById('sidebar').contentDocument.getElementById('facebook-strings');
return sb;